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Bar3Foot - Respectful Sportswear - Elf Walker - Mint

Bar3Foot - Respectful Sportswear - Elf Walker - Mint

Regular price €32,90 EUR
Regular price €44,90 EUR Sale price €32,90 EUR
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The Bar3foot Elf Walker minimalist shoes are very easy to put on and take off, thanks to their double velcro system.

They are made with leather. Making your feet perspire all day while walking, running and playing.

In addition, they are very flexible and weigh very little, ensuring that nothing interferes with their development as they grow.

Plazo de Devolución

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
María Dolores Gimena Carrasco
Calzado de calidad

Las zapatillas de Bar3foot son bonitas y de piel, muy cómodas y con horma más ancha para tener espacio para los dedos, más que un calzado respetuoso normal. Tras impermebealizarlas aguantan mejor el trote de los peques. El color mint es muy original y conjuntan con mucha ropa.