Collection: Merceditas and Pepitos First Steps

Discover our collection of Merceditas and Pepitos for your baby's first steps. It combines elegance with comfort and safety for their first explorations.

At Diez Deditos Libres, we know that every step your baby takes is a big step, and we want them to take it in style and comfort. Our Merceditas and Pepitos for first steps are designed to provide the necessary support without compromising elegance. Perfect for special occasions or for everyday use, these shoes are an excellent choice for safe and stylish first steps.

Details that make the difference in our Merceditas and Pepitos

  • Custom Fit: Custom closures for a perfect fit that grows with your child.
  • Color palette: Tones that complement any outfit, from the most casual to the most formal.
  • Superior Durability: Ready to withstand the hustle and bustle of new walkers while maintaining their charm.

Browse our collection of Merceditas and Pepitos and choose the perfect pair for those little feet today.